Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Most Convicting Thought

There have been times in my life, very recently even, that i question the validity of my reasoning for serving God. I ask myself if it is worth the trouble, the hard work, and the sorrowful pain one often feels. It is at these times that I find the weakest link in the chain that symbolizes my faith in God.

What is my reasoning you may ask. I submit that my reasoning at these times comes from the weakness that is found in my human flesh. I feel that having these thoughts is not in and of itself a sin, but the sin comes when I allow myself to submit to the will of these thoughts. Exactly what are these thoughts you ask? Well these thoughts all begin with me looking around me, instead of looking to Christ.

As I look at the world, I see my unsaved family and friends doing things that I think of as sin, things I would never consider doing. These observations make it easy to fall into a thought pattern that considers just how easy life outside of Christ would be, as long as you do not give any thought to what He thinks. These thoughts often get me into a spiritual battle with my flesh.

It is at times like these that God, my Refuge and Strength for now and evermore, reminds me of how He has worked miracles and wonder in the past. He reminds me of Job and the trials that he went through, of David and the enemies he had to overcome, and then of Christ and the burden of the entire world, that He took upon his own back, as He carried the cross up to Calvary. I am reminded and then I am ashamed. Ashamed that I have allowed the most infinitesimal trials I have faced to add so much appeal to a life of sin, that i know would in in total disaster. To know that it takes thinking of and everlasting, all-powerful, Creator God taking on the form of a man, and dying a most-brutal death on the cross, to remind me of just how easy of a life I have been blessed with, leaves me with a feeling of utmost guilt. Fortunately, this sin is also buried under the blood that my Redeemer shed on the cross

Monday, January 19, 2009

Have You Cheated On God?

In the book of Hosea we see God commanding the prophet to take in marriage "a wife of whoredoms" and with her a "children of whoredoms." The reason God gives for this command is that the nation of Israel "hath committed great whoredom, departing from the Lord." 
Israel had fallen out of sweet fellowship with their God, and God had now turned the flow of blessing and protection off. 
What was true for Israel, it true for many Christians today. We have left God, we have committed spiritual adultery against our Savior. We, like the wife of Hosea, have willingly left the one who has provided everything we will ever need. We have caused God to cut off the blessing and protection He promises those who abide in His will. 
God is trying to bring us back. He call to us and calls to us, and though we may come back for a season, we always end up leaving again. 
How foolish are we to leave everything we could ever want and need, to follow the sin that only satisfies for a season. It is not until we are in it that we realize that that sin that provides this temporary satisfaction is also the sin that does so easily beset us into staying much longer than we would ever want. The only answer is a complete and absolute surrender to God, that will bring full blessing, and cause us to never to have the desire to seek another source of satisfaction.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

back to school (spring 09)

Well, I'm back at school again. I will hopefully be finishing the last leg before the half-way point! Hopefully this time next year I will be at the Crown College UK!!! But enough about me, I am SO thankful that God has supplied the money for me to be able to pay off last semester so I could come back this semester! This will be a semester that tests my faith in a way that it has not been tested before. I am looking forward to seeing the Lord supply the necessary funds for me to be here this semester. Where the need is great, God is greater. 
Spirits seem to be high here. There is an attitude of prayer that looms over the school as we prepare for the upcoming revival services. I can only imagine the great things God can accomplish as long as the hears of the students remain open.